Regarding the 'decline' in quality of vitamins and minerals - please see this report conducted by Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Or you could read the conclusion:
"The results of this study do not indicate that there have been significant changes in the mineral content of common types of fruits and vegetables available in Australia."
Click here for sensible advice about food and nutrition that you can trust:
I enjoyed reading your blog, I have a friend who is so into this it's crazy he is so committed and swears by it so I checked it out, and went to an info night. I thought the idea behind it was great but the selling methods were just a bit off. I was immediately put off by some of the claims they were making.
I believe that a lot of people are looking for something to believe in and want to part of something and just belong, and this offers it. I think it shows the power of positive thinking can change behaviors.
This video is hilarious. And I get the plant based thing is so cool right now, but those plants still grow out of the same soil?
I just want to find good supplements and vitamins it just seems all too freaking hard.
can you send me a message when you read this. I see that you are against Yor Health, and I have something that requires your help.
have a nice day :)
Hi Unknown. I would love to, however I do not have your contact information. Please email Thanks
@misskeelyrae - thanks for your comment! I agree re people wanting to believe in something. The sad thing is, is that these companies are aware of this, and exploit peoples values for personal gain.
The video is quite ridiculous! He has little to no idea what he is talking about.
I suggest speaking to your doctor about legitimate supplementation :)
Great work - someone needs to put a pie in the face of these self-declared and self righteous pseudo philanthropists.
@JoeBloggs hear, hear!!
I've looked through this blog and I think it was a great idea, a necessary thing to do in fact. But I can't help notice you've strayed from having an objective point of view on YOR to a clearly agenda based persecution of anything associated with the company.
You made some really good points about the pyramid scheme that YOR uses and backed it up with undeniable facts and logic that point out how ridiculous the whole concept of getting rich from this method is, at least for those not in the highest part of the company. It's something I picked up on straight away when I first heard about them.
But then you go on to dismiss the claims that our food doesn't have the nutritional value it used to have, with nothing more than "Doctors say its true so it must be true" as your proof. Your average GP is not an expert on nutrition, they've only been trained in the very basics, old unupdated basics may I add, so suggesting we take their word as gospel with regards to our diet is ludicrous. And that's just one example of flawed logic. You've essentially dismissed any of the health claims by the company using the status quo as evidence.
Although some claims (like how alkalising works) are clearly ridiculous, others (such as having a more alkaline state being healthier, which has actually been scientifically supported) warrant some merit. There's genuine aspects and clear marketing aspects (digestive enzymes help but the amount of deficiencies we have are greatly exaggerated). I assure you there is a line, and I challenge you to find it.
Otherwise you're pretty much just writing an "I hate YOR" blog, which feel free to do, but don't pretend like this is an objective analysis. I think you've genuinely tried to argue from both sides initially, but you've strayed from that original goal and I'd love to see you explore the aspects of YOR that have actual merit.
Sorry for the long message, hope to see a reply :)
I totally agree. I guess my objectivity has turned into frustration at the mere fact that so many people are scammed by this company. I have taken a step back to regain my focus, hence my lack of posts.
I appreciate your observations, thank you! :)
Good on you for exposing this company. My son,19, has been brainwashed and will not listen to anyone. He's forking out his money every day, with buying the products and fuel money to attend meetings EVERY NIGHT!!! He's not interested in selling the product, just signing people up! He can't even answer basic nutritional questions that I pose - instead he gets angry and tells me I am negative. I can't say anything anymore....I am worried that he is taking the shakes instead of 'real food'. We went out to tea the other night and he didn't eat his steak and veggies. I am worried these products will wreck his body and metabolism. I am a 'real food' person and find the ingredients list disputes a lot of their claims - "it's all natural" oh ok, so when it says it contains natural and artificial flavours, you call that all natural now! I'd love to get the guy at the top of this pyramid and wring his bloody neck for taking advantage of all these young impressionable teenagers and young adults.....
Nice post.
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